Get Involved!
If you would like to volunteer for any of the ministries below, your help would be greatly appreciated!
Use the Contact Us page to send Christina a message and you will be put in touch with the right person.
Altar Servers: Cookie Dooley
Building & Grounds: Anna McDaniel- Business Manager
Catholic Social Ministry: Carol Etling
Church Cleaning: Open
Church Environment: Karen Ridgway
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mary Umphries
Fish Fry: Mary Beth Walsh
Lectors: Judy Stoffel
Liturgy Committee: Alice Harder
Hospitality: Connie Fitch
Honduras Mission: Cookie Dooley
Marriage Couple Sponsors: Rob Murray, Pastoral Associate
Men’s Group: Greg Carter
Ministry of Care (Funeral Lunches): Sharon Polge-Morris
Ministry of Care (Homebound Communion): Carolyn Gardner
Parish Engagement Committee: Rob Doyle
Parish Picnic: Jim Holmes
Parish Finance Council: Bob Rhodes
Prayer Chain: Judy Barad
Samaritan Ministry : Anita Cheek